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The Enlightened Woman Weekend Sponsorship

March 24-25, 2017

Thank you for choosing to support the empowerment of women through the Enlightened Woman Weekend.



Premiere Corporate Level - $10,000.00

As the premiere corporate sponsor, you/your company will be the only sponsor with

naming privilege and a banner prominently placed in the main general meeting room.

Placement on banner at registration table and pre-conference space, step and repeat

and inside front cover full page ad in the Enlightened Woman Magazine. Opportunity at

all general gatherings to speak about your company. Prominent place on the home

page of the website, and all social media platforms (Twitter, FB, Periscope & FB live

broadcasts, Marketing DVD, and every venue and platform leading up to the event, info

in swag bags) Complimentary table on-site at both venues. 2 tickets for and an

opportunity to speak at the Warrior Woman Award program and Sisterhood Breakfast.


Platinum Corporate Level - Warrior Woman Awards $7,500.00

As a platinum corporate sponsor for the Warrior Woman Awards (Nov. 11, 2016 8:00 p.m.) you will receive premium placement on banner at the Warrior Woman Awards, registration table and pre-conference space, step and repeat and full page ad in the Enlightened Woman Magazine. Opportunity at all general gatherings to speak about your company. Prominent place on the sponsor page on the website, and all social

media platforms (Twitter, FB, Periscope & FB Live broadcast, Marketing DVD/videos. Complimentary table on-site. 2 tickets to the Warrior Women awards.


Gold Corporate Warrior Woman Award VIP Reception - $5,000.00

As a Gold corporate sponsor for the Warrior Woman Award VIP Reception (Nov. 11, 2016 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.) you will receive naming privileges and premium placement on banner in the reception, and an ad placed in our Enlightened Woman magazine. Greeting remarks at the reception. Mention on all social media platforms and live broadcasts. Listed on the sponsorship link on the website. Complimentary table on-site.

Gold Corporate Level - Sisterhood Breakfast - $5,000.00

As a Gold corporate sponsor for the Sisterhood Breakfast (Nov. 12 @ 10:00 a.m.) you will receive naming privilege and premium placement on banner at the breakfast, and an ad placed in our Enlightened Woman magazine. Greeting remarks at breakfast. Mention on all social media platforms and live broadcasts. Listed on the sponsorship

link on the website. Complimentary table on-site.

Premium Corporate Level - $2,500.00

As a premium corporate sponsor you will have an ad in the Enlightened Woman Magazine. Mention on all social media platforms and live broadcasts. Listed on the sponsorship link on the website. Items in swag bag

Light Bearers - $500.00 - $1,000.00

As a Light Bearer sponsor you will be mentioned on all social media platforms and live broadcasts. Listed on the sponsorship link on the website and Enlightened Woman

Magazine sponsorship page.

Friends of Enlightened Woman - Up to $450.00

Name of business/family/individuals on sponsorship page in Enlightened Woman


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